How to work while you study in the United States of America
Posted by All in One Solution on 10:01 PM with No comments
F – 1 Visa, J – 1 Visa, Co – Op Program
United States
of America is country whose educative offer is so diverse and has so
much quality that many foreign students are interested in applying for
the F – 1 Visa for Fulltime Students or the J – 1 Visa of Educational
and Cultural Exchange, and the ones who accomplish to obtain it find
themselves in a situation in which educational costs are high, and if
they add the accommodations and the alimentation, it contributes to the
fact that many students have economic difficulties not only to install
themselves, but also to maintain themselves.
the ones who try to work without been authorized by the Immigration
Service, can be forced to return to their country of origin, because the
rules of the Immigration Service say that the immigrant students who
obtain the F – 1 Visa for Fulltime Students or the J – 1 Visa of
Educational and Cultural Exchange, cannot work as long as they are
studying. However, there are ways to be able to study and work without
breaking the migratory rules.
It is
possible that during the first year of studies, some universities allow
the immigrant students to work inside the university campus, performing
minimum activities, which are related to giving lessons, helping in the
library, managing, keeping the garden, among others, perceiving a pretty
reduced salary, which can be, in addition, compensated with a tuition
waivers of the courses the international student is taking.
are also other universities that offer Co – Op programs, which are
programs of cooperative education, in which universities and companies
participate, allowing the student not only to study, but also, to work
outside the campus, gaining a salary that goes according to the market.
The ways in which the Co – Op program can be applied, are many,
depending on the employer, because you can work for half the day and
then study the other half, or you can work during the day and study
during the night, or you can, also, work during a trimester and study
the following.
The access to the
program demands from the students the fulfillment of conditions such as
keeping a minimum average of grades, an authorization from the academic
counselor for foreign students.
The F
– 1 Visa for Fulltime Students or the J – 1 Visa of Educational and
Cultural Exchange, allow the immigrant student to request for an
authorization to work outside from the university campus for exceptional
reasons, before he or she finishes the first year of studies. These
circumstances can be related to economic crisis reasons in the country
of origin, medical treatments or accidents. The request is presented
before the Immigration Service, after the academic counselor for foreign
students has approved it and keeping the condition of a fulltime
student. The employment
search options are not limited to the field the student is seeing, and
he or she has the option to decide in which field he or she would like
to work in.
One the of most important educational
exchange programs, is the Au Pair program, which takes women to work as
baby sitters, receiving accommodations, alimentation and a salary in
charge of the receptor family, and in their free time, they can study
whatever they wish in a college or a university.
Summing up, the students who benefit
from the F – 1 Visa for Fulltime Students and the J – 1 Visa of
Educational and Cultural Exchange, can work inside or outside the
campus, as long as they have the authorization of the Immigration
Categories: Job in USA
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