On-Campus Support for International Students at American Universities
Posted by All in One Solution on 11:12 PM with No comments
Making the decision to
attend a U.S. college is a big step, but rest assured that you won’t
have to go it alone. An attractive feature of U.S. higher education is
the support and counseling that students receive, and at most schools
this includes special services for overseas students.
As you adjust to life in a new setting at a U.S.A. university, these counselors will be able to help you get situated. If you’re looking to connect with other international students, they can also provide information about special clubs or events for international students.
When you get to campus, meet with your adviser as soon as possible. They’ll be able to help you make sure you’re on track with your courses and requirements.
It can be overwhelming to adjust to life at a new college, let alone in a new country. The people mentioned above will be able to help you along as you adjust to life at American universities and colleges.
Most colleges in the U.S. offer international or foreign student advisers
Most U.S. colleges and universities have an international office with trained professionals available to counsel students from other countries on a broad range of matters, including:- Orientation to campus and community life in the U.S.
- Immigration and visa matters
- Employment and practical training
- Off-campus social activities and opportunities
- Personal and health concerns
- General academic planning
- Financial problems
As you adjust to life in a new setting at a U.S.A. university, these counselors will be able to help you get situated. If you’re looking to connect with other international students, they can also provide information about special clubs or events for international students.
Most American colleges feature faculty advisers
At most schools, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your field of study. Academic advising can help you with the following:- Requirements for degrees
- Selection of academic courses
- Academic performance and progress
When you get to campus, meet with your adviser as soon as possible. They’ll be able to help you make sure you’re on track with your courses and requirements.
Peer counselors offer help at many U.S. colleges
In addition to faculty counseling, many colleges in the U.S. have developed a system of peer counseling that is conducted by upper-class students. This provides international students at a U.S. college a student viewpoint on academic and personal matters.It can be overwhelming to adjust to life at a new college, let alone in a new country. The people mentioned above will be able to help you along as you adjust to life at American universities and colleges.
Categories: education, Student VISA
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